The difference between sedation and sleep

Central nervous system depressants, also known as sedatives, are often prescribed for people who have sleep disorders and attacks of anxiety. If you are considering taking them, you might benefit from understanding how using them might compare to achieving regular sleep without help. Sedatives have the power to induce sleep, but there are several important ways in which the results that they provide are dissimilar to natural slumber.

Regular, non-assisted sleep is determined by your body clock. When it is time to sleep, neurotransmitters in your brain block mental stimulation and you become relaxed and can drift off to sleep. When people are stressed, their natural system may not always work adequately due to an increase in stress hormones, which means that their mind is likely to race and sleeping is difficult. At such times, medical professionals sometimes prescribe sleeping pills such as barbiturates or benzodiazepines.

Sedation related sleep is induced by slowing down brain activity. The effects can often be experienced in the daytime as well as the night, which is why people who take them might feel lethargic and uncoordinated. Effects are not always severe, but people are likely to feel more drowsy and muddle-headed than usual.

When people sleep naturally, they experience different sleep stages, one of which is delta sleep or deep sleep. The brain carries out several important activities that help cleanse the system and restore functioning during different sleep steps. Unfortunately, the sleep produced via some sedatives is thought to cause people to miss the deep sleep stage, which means that they may forgo essential brain repair and maintenance.

After taking sedatives for a while, perhaps a few days or so, people tend to begin to develop a tolerance towards them. In order to benefit from the same sleep-inducing results that were previously experienced, they might need to take a higher dose. At this stage, using them can become detrimental since people can become confused about how much to take. Of course, you should never self-prescribe sedatives or take more than your doctor tells you. However, despite such knowledge, some people decide to take too large a quantity and accidentally overdose, which as you probably know can lead to death. Prescribed on a short-term basis, sedatives can be extremely helpful, but they are not usually prescribed without sufficient need, or long-term without good reason.

If you have not had enough sleep generally, you might feel woozy and become forgetful, much like you could when you take sedatives. Nonetheless, most of the time, learning how to gain natural sleep, and putting up with a few sleepless nights as you make lifestyle changes to assist your aim, is a healthier option compared to taking sedatives. There again, if you are at your wits’ end due to a lack of sleep, your doctor is the best person to advise you on the matter as individual cases of insomnia may differ and require different treatments.

People who are prescribed sedatives on a long-term basis, but then decide to stop usage, need to do so slowly under medical supervision. Stopping quickly can be a severe shock to the system and result in withdrawal symptoms, which tend to be the opposite of the consequences that they produced when being taken. For example, instead of slowing down the system, reactions increase significantly, and often in a dangerous fashion. Seizures, racing thoughts, and hyperactivity are typical reactions to sedative stoppage, although the severity is dependent on how long sedatives were used and how large a dosage was prescribed.

Severe insomnia can be highly detrimental to health and well-being; otherwise, sedatives would never be prescribed for sleep loss. However, achieving sleep naturally is certainly a healthier alternative to the use of sedatives to achieve the same goal.

Top 10 movie lullabies to help soothe baby to sleep

When mothers sing soothing melodies to their babies, the stress and pain response levels of both mother and the infant drop, the bonding process is strengthened, and the child’s mental and emotional development is increased. Babies who are sung to are calmer, eat more, and are able to fall asleep more easily than babies who are left alone or simply read to.

Although singing and humming is beneficial to both baby and parent, it does not always come naturally. Many parents feel they are not good enough or they are unsure of what songs are appropriate. Popular movies can be a source of inspiration on what to sing. The familiarity of songs from films, along with the comforting voice of a parent, will help babies form deeper bonds to their parents and world around them, and make them easier to comfort, and lulled into a peaceful slumber.

Here are some of the best lullabies ever featured in the movies. Although not all these tunes were used in the context of lulling children to sleep, they have been popularized on the silver screen and sung to pacify little ones ever since.

10 – The Yawning Man – Tom Thumb (1958)

This unconventional lullaby is sung by the toys around Tom Thumb’s bedroom to help him sleep after a day of mischief. Listening to this song, you can’t help but start yawning uncontrollably yourself.

I’m the Yawning Man, the Yawning Man
I come when shadows creep
With the Yawning Song, I stroll along
And help all people to sleep

9 – You’ll Be In My Heart – Tarzan (1999)

When mother gorilla, Kala, rescues a human baby, she adopts him and names him Tarzan. With this song, she vows to forever love and care for her new son as she soothes him to sleep.

Come stop your crying it’ll be all right
Just take my hand, hold it tight
I will protect you from all around you
I will be here, don’t you cry

8 – Moon River – Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)

In an iconic scene, Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly, bares the vulnerable side of her true self as she sings the film’s theme from her apartment window.

Two drifters off to see the world
There’s such a lot of world to see
We’re after the same rainbow’s end
Waiting round the bend
My Huckleberry friend
Moon river and me

7 – Maybe – Annie (1982)

In the opening scene of the movie, the little, red-headed orphan Annie sings to herself, and to her fellow orphans, this song of hope and optimism for a life with the parents she longs to meet.

Bet ya they’re young, bet ya they’re smart
Bet they collect things like ashtrays and art
Bet ya they’re good, why shouldn’t the be?
Their one mistake was giving up me
So maybe now it’s time and maybe when I wake
They’ll be there calling me Baby

6 – Edelweiss – The Sound of Music (1965)

A song of hope for his country and his family, Captain Von Trapp sings of the little white flowers scattered across the landscape, as a symbol of loyalty and the enduring spirit of Austria.

Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever

5 – Stay Awake — Mary Poppins (1964)

Everyone’s favorite Nanny uses some reverse psychology to lull her two charges to sleep after a day of fun. This ironic lullaby, despite the seemingly opposite lyrics, never fails to do the trick.

Stay awake don’t rest your head
Don’t lie down upon your bed
While the moon drifts in the skies
Stay awake, don’t close your eyes

4 – Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ral (That’s An Irish Lullaby) – Going My Way (1944)

Timeless crooner, Bing Crosby, sings this traditional lullaby in the classic film as a priest comforting the elderly pastor of his parish who yearns to return home to Ireland and reunite with his mother.

Too ra loo ra loo ral, Too ra loo ra li
Too ra loo ra loo ral, hush now, don’t you cry
Too ra loo ra loo ral, Too ra loo ra li
Too ra loo ra loo ral, that’s an Irish lullaby

3 – Goodnight My Angel – Song for Marion / Unfinished Song (2012)

In a heart-wrenching showstopper, Terrence Stamp sings this Billy Joel lullaby that will have you in tears remembering your own parents and grandparents.

Goodnight my angel, now it’s time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child may cry, and if you sing this lullaby
Then in your heart there will always be a part of me

2 – Somewhere Over The Rainbow – The Wizard of Oz (1939)

In the sepia-toned land of Kansas, Judy Garland as Dorothy, sings of a magical place beyond the rainbow where all her troubles and cares melt away.

Someday I’ll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That’s where you’ll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue
And the dreams that you care to dream
Really do come true

1 – Baby Mine – Dumbo (1941)

One of the ultimate Disney lullabies, Dumbo’s mother, labelled “mad” for defending her large-eared baby, still manages to express her love and sing her precious baby to sleep with this heart-breaking melody.

Baby mine, don’t you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never too far
Baby of mine

Mindfulness meditation techniques to help you sleep

So it’s 11pm, and you’re dreading going to bed, it’s going to be another long night. It might take you 4 hours to fall asleep or you may fall asleep and wake up several times during the night. First, stop thinking about it so much! Overthinking before bed only increases your anxieties and makes it even harder to achieve that peaceful night of sleep. Instead, why not use this time to try a few mindful meditation techniques?

Mindfulness meditation works by helping you understand your own thought process and how it works. Studies have shown that sleeping habits improve dramatically when participants where taught to respond to sleep disturbance with mindfulness skills- rather than reacting automatically by increasing effort to rest. After meditating regularly, the average time it took participants to fall asleep dropped from an hour and a half to only 15 minutes. Studies found on the US National Library of Medicine’s website show that after meditating regularly, serotonin levels increase, which lowers anxiety and stress. This is important since 90% of anxiety sufferers also deal with insomnia and other sleep problems. Another reason many Americans lose sleep is from chronic pain. By lowering blood pressure, meditation actually reduces throbbing and swelling from arthritis and other injuries. It also helps to teach your brain “mind over matter” type of thinking, which takes your mind off the pain, and increases the body’s overall pain threshold.

After practicing for a couple of nights, you will start to notice how fast the thoughts flow, which ones occur more often and what triggers them. From this point you can slow down the thoughts or possibly quiet your mind all together. Keep in mind that there will come times, especially when first starting, that you may have difficulties controlling your thoughts. Don’t let yourself become frustrated; contrary to most belief mindfulness meditation is not based on how well you can control your thoughts, but by how soon you realize that you’re off track. Once you realize your mind is wandering again, all you have to do is gently pull your thoughts back on track.

In some cases when your mind is extra busy and it’s really hard to concentrate, it’s best to just let the thoughts flow. A therapist once described this as “trying to reverse the flow in a powerful river” in the sense that you should simply observe without disruption until the “river” of thoughts slows down. The trick to this method is to observe the thoughts one at a time, giving them the attention they so desire and move on to the next thought. This technique shows you how to slow your mind down and help cut down on the inner chatter so you can see the situation more clearly, while avoiding frustration. Once you feel more relaxed, you can move on to any other form of meditation that works best for you.

Probably the most common (and easiest) technique for helping you get to sleep is called mindful breathing. To do this, you bring attention to the natural flow of your breath. By turning your attention to your breathing, it helps to channel your mind into thinking about the breath rather than the thoughts popping up. You can use this method while listening to music or combine it with visual imagery. Visual imagery is used to transport you to a more relaxing atmosphere-which that can reduce stress levels by itself. Maybe you have a serene picture that makes you feel calm, or maybe you are the type who likes to imagine you are somewhere else. One example of this is that some people imagine that they’re blowing bubbles; they put the stick in the jar and watch every bubble go over a field until the jar is empty. You can imagine anything you want as long as it calms you. As you focus on this scene, use any breathing technique you like.

A more advanced version of mindful breathing is “body scan” meditation. It starts out like mindful breathing, then you gradually direct your attention to every part of your body starting with the top of your head working your way down to your toes. Many often describe it as a “tingly feeling” in each part you focus on and that you will begin to feel heavy like you are sinking into the bed. Continue on with this until you have fallen asleep.

These are just a few examples of how you can use mindful techniques. As you research on, you may find other styles, or a combination of styles, that work best for you. However, beware that there are some meditation approaches that are meant to keep you alert and focused. Experts advise against using these methods for more than 15 minutes at bedtime. Although they can help you to relax, it may end up putting you in a more alert and awake mindset. These methods include yoga, zen, tai chi and any others that include moving or being in a sitting position. It’s best to do these earlier in the day and you never know, perhaps combining these methods earlier in the day with mindful techniques at night could help you sleep better when bedtime rolls around.

Solfeggio frequencies: the sound of nature

Solfeggio frequencies come from an ancient six-tone scale, and are thought to help people attain harmony with nature and access higher mind-states. The scale used to be incorporated into spiritual music sung by choirs and Gregorian monks. Their voices would lift people’s spirits and aid them in gaining emotional intelligence and healing. The tones or vibrations of the scale are said to resonate with particular emotional conditions, and might help assist a positive mind-set.

Dr Masaru Emoto, author of “The Hidden messages in Water,” discovered that music can dramatically alter the expression of water. The human body contains roughly 60% of water, which might help explain why Solfeggio frequencies have the potential to influence people. Using a strong microscope and high-speed photography, Emoto found that when frozen, water exposed to classical music changed into beautiful crystals. Being able to see physical results regarding the effect of music has sparked people’s curiosity relating to how music can change people‘s brainwaves.

Solfeggio frequencies

  • 396 HZ Liberation from guilt and fear
  • 417 HZ Facilitating change
  • 528 HZ Miracles, transformation – associated with the possibility of DNA repair
  • 639 HZ Relationships and connections
  • 741 HZ Awakening intuition
  • 852 HZ returning to spiritual order

You probably already know the Solfeggio scale in its modified form as it is coupled with the notes allocated to the syllables Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La (Ti). In ancient times, the scale appeared as rising notes accompanying the syllables Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La and was taken from a hymn to John the Baptist.

Solfeggio frequencies were lost in time, until recently, due to changing techniques used regarding tuning. Some people believe that tuning methods were deliberately altered by the church for political reasons, and modern tuning systems do not usually produce such pure sounds as the Solfeggio scale.

Nonetheless, studies show that many melodies resonate at healing frequencies, and are thought to have similar positive qualities. It is also possible to purchase Solfeggio tuning forks and audio generated using Solfeggio tones. In addition, when you listen to a soothing melody that makes you feel calm and relaxed, you might discover that healing frequencies are involved in its creation.

It is clear that certain types of music, namely those that are gentle, have a calming influence on human emotions. In addition, the knowledge that music can alter brainwaves used to be commonplace, and was practiced in the form of Solfeggio frequencies.

How long do you need to sleep?

Ask people how many hours they need to sleep each night and most will not provide the same answer. Some might tell you that they cope well on 5 hours while others respond by saying that they need at least 10 hours sleep or they do not feel human. However, most experts recommend adults sleep between 7 and 8 hours per night, although some suggest that sleeping half-an-hour less or up to an hour more is beneficial. Knowing how much shuteye you are supposed to get can be confusing.

The number of hours scientists and medical professionals propose people sleep stems from evidence regarding time spent sleeping relating to health and mortality. Studies show that people who sleep under 6.5 hours per night, or greater than 7.5 hours, have a shorter lifespan than others do.

Unfortunately, time recommendations do not take into account individual needs. It might be that your genetics or lifestyle makes your sleep requirements different to the norm. However, not enough research has been carried out on the subject in order for people to be certain how to establish the individual demands of their system. Nonetheless, common sense might tell you that if you feel sleepy and groggy during the day when you have had 6.5 hours sleep at night, you probably need to sleep for a longer period. Likewise, if you sleep for 9 hours, but feel bad, sleeping an hour or so less might be wise.

Although it is not sensible to become obsessive and paranoid about whether you sleep enough because stress can make you ill, it is wise to keep a watchful eye on your sleep patterns relating to your health. It might be that you catch colds more often when you sleep poorly, or that you cannot cope with the ups and downs of everyday life. On the other hand, maybe you just cannot get your head together and think straight after having a long lie in at the weekends; adjusting time spent in bed could improve matters.

Adopting a regular bedtime/wake schedule will help you attain similar sleep times each night. However, other factors in your life such as stressful events and excitement, and even what you eat could affect the quality and length of sleep you experience.

You cannot control every aspect of your sleep, but you can be healthily aware of how the length of time you sleep affects you. Going to bed and rising at set times, and adjusting time spent sleeping according to your needs will mean that you get the slumber that you need.

Gregorian chant: healing frequencies

Many people report that they experience a sense of elation simultaneously with relaxation when they listen to particular types of music. In short, some music touches them spiritually and makes them feel healthy and happy. Centuries ago, people understood that sounds have the potential to create calm and serenity, and Gregorian chants were created with this in mind. People would listen to or sing sacred songs and experience deep feelings of balance and tranquility. The music that they were exposed to was designed carefully using the scale Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, and it is thought that it imparted spiritual blessings when sung in harmony.

The music scale that is used today is out of sync with the old scale, and as such is thought not to be as useful when it comes to promoting feelings of wellness. Solfeggio frequencies, which the old scale used, were lost when the modern scale was introduced, but have recently reemerged. You can find them in recordings of “The Hymn to St John the Baptist,” and in modern audio created specifically with the same frequencies.

Some historians state that monks began using Solfeggio frequencies merely as a means of helping people remember music. However, the fact remains that the old scale was based on a specific mathematical formula that dates back to Pythagoras. In addition, it is likely that Pythagoras was aware that he had discovered healing frequencies as he experimented with harmonics in order to help humanity evolve. It is thought that listening to Solfeggio frequencies can help lift people to a higher realm of consciousness and encourage enlightenment.

Each frequency of the scale used by Gregorian monks corresponds to a color, chakra point and hertz frequency, and has a quality. For example, 528 hertz is linked to the color green, the heart chakra, and DNA repair, and appears as Mi on the scale. Listening to Solfeggio frequencies might be beneficial because doing so has the power to alter your brainwaves and so your state of mind. For example, if you wanted to change your behavior you might use 417 HZ because it can facilitate change. Alternatively, if you were suffering from grief, you might listen to 396 HZ, which can liberate you from guilt and fear.

It is unlikely that Gregorian monks stumbled upon Solfeggio frequencies by accident because, like Pythagoras, they were in the business of helping people reach a higher spiritual level of being. Making use of the ancient knowledge that they applied to music could be beneficial if you want to experience a degree of healing and rise to a higher state of being.

Positive vibrations tune your brain with relaxing music

Have you ever considered that your brain is an instrument that can be tuned? If not, you could be missing out. Research shows that you can adjust your brainwaves so that you feel relaxed and calm. Whether you are highly sensitive and need help to unwind, have insomnia or depression that you want to relieve, or just want to enjoy a meditative state, you can fine-tune your brain so that you achieve your aim.

While you are not simply a mass of neurons and particles that make up your physical being, your brain does function in a structured manner. When neurons in your brain communicate, they fire electrical impulses to each other. The result can be that a particular brainwave state is induced. At the same time, hormones are released into your system. Studies reveal that people can alter their brainwaves by changing their thinking patterns and become relaxed as a result. The only trouble is that trying to get a lifetime of negative thoughts to budge and make room for a positive mindset can be tough. However, using music to achieve a calm state can be easier than working with positive intentions alone.

The rhythm of music also referred to as the frequency of beats, can make a significant difference to your experience. Fast-paced music can be uplifting if you are feeling down, but it can also increase stress if you are feeling anxious. Slow-paced music can help you feel relaxed and tranquil, but can also make you dreamy and lack focus. Before you listen to music as a self-help method, identify the mental state you desire, and select suitable music that will be beneficial to you.

Most relaxing music can help you experience an alpha brainwave state, in which you feel calm, but are able to think clearly and are alert. Some other music can take you into deeper brainwave states, in which you gain the ability to think creatively and feel pleasurably tranquil. In addition, brainwave entrainment audio can be designed to alter your conscious state so that you are so incredibly relaxed that you fall asleep.

By tuning your mind with music, you can develop new neural pathways in your brain that help you experience a state of relaxation naturally at whim. Doing so can take time, however, but listening to calm music can invoke an immediate response that lasts for several hours.

Walk away from insomnia

If insomnia blights your life, why not consider walking away from sleepless nights? Studies show that walking can be a great form of exercise to promote sleep. Not only is walking recommended for heart health and circulation, but it can also help with weight loss, increase your immune system, and aid in varicose vein prevention. On top of these great health benefits, taking an enthusiastic stroll can boost your levels of serotonin and endorphins, which will result in you feeling fantastic.

How to walk

Naturally, you already know how to walk because you have been doing it most of your life. However, experts suggest that there is a way of walking that is healthy. Your heel should touch the ground first before you make a rolling movement toward the ball of your foot. Your posture will benefit if you also stand tall when you walk, and suck in your stomach muscles.

If you are not used to exercise, take things slowly. Begin walking short distances before you work your way towards longer journeys. You might start by using stairs rather than lifts when opportunities are presented and by walking a short distance to local shops instead of driving.

When you get home after walking, you will find that you benefit from massaging your feet and engaging in gentle stretching exercises, as doing so will result in fewer aches and pains. As you get used to walking regularly, any back and joint pain that you usually experience will be reduced, along with the chance of gaining high cholesterol, high blood pressure, angina, a stroke or a heart attack. In addition, you will be less likely to have a mental health problem.

One benefit of walking that is often overlooked is that it can take you away from modern technology and place you back in the hands of nature. Some people believe that electronic gadgets block out the healing power of nature, including SR, which is also known as Schumann Resonance.

SR is a natural, electromagnetic wave that exists between the ionosphere and the surface of the earth. It is believed that spending time with nature, and, therefore, being exposed to SR can help people feel healthy, happy and relaxed. The sound waves produced are 7.83 hertz, which is a wonderfully healing brainwave frequency to experience. Spend more time walking out-of-doors than you do sitting in front of a computer, and you will be able to reduce stress that could be the cause of insomnia.

Most forms of exercise will help you sleep. However, there are so many benefits to be gained from walking that it must surely go on your to do list if you suffer from insomnia.

How pets can help you relax

Many pet owners know that their furry, scaly or feathery friend brings them joy, but most don’t recognize the immense health benefits to be gained from having a pet. There are numerous reasons why your dog, cat, or other type of pet can increase your well-being and immune system, and this can help you relax.

Unconditional love

Sometimes humans display unconditional love. However, much of the time they are so wound up by their own egos and anxieties that they don’t love in this manner as often as they could. Pets on the other hand, are not constricted by concerns about their image. They don’t ponder why they exist or worry about how other people or animals see them. They simply live for the moment, which often involves giving unconditional love to their owner.


Studies show that touch can help heal people and boost their immune system, and of course, most dogs and other furry animals are petted, or touched, often. Birds and even reptiles often enjoy physical touch, and some pets will return touch to their owners in the form of a lick, or by snuggling up tightly next to them.

Social connection

Many dog owners would be lonely without their faithful pal to walk each day. Going for a stroll provides them with exercise that keeps them fit, and helps them meet people. Sometimes, the main social contact people have each day occurs when they are walking their dog.

Heart health

Not only are people less likely to have a heart attack if they own a pet, but if they do, they will recover faster than if they didn’t have a pet. Perhaps the thought that their pet relies on them keeps them going. Alternatively, their immune system is boosted by being with their pet and this decreases the amount of time they take to recover.


Pets can be wonderful companions. They rarely argue with you, if at all, and they love being with you. In short, you are their hero, and everyone wants to be loved this way. Having a pet can fill the gap where a human relationship doesn’t sit, and it might even be more beneficial in some cases. If a person isn’t very sociable, or can’t leave their home, their pet can provide them with friendship and the support they need, as well as giving them an extra reason for living.

Pets can help you relax because they prevent you from feeling as much isolation and pain as you might have felt without them. In addition, they can speed your recovery time after an illness, and boost your immune system while providing you with unconditional love and companionship.

How to make your bedroom a sleep haven

When you glance around your bedroom, are you mesmerized by its tranquil properties? Do you feel calm and relaxed as soon as you enter the room? Alternatively, do you see mountains of clutter before you? Or simply a boring room that doesn’t inspire you? Chances are your bedroom is so familiar to you that looking at it with fresh eyes isn’t easy. However, if you often have trouble sleeping, your bedroom could be partially to blame. Luckily, you can turn things around by making it into a sleep-haven.


According to the principles of feng shui, clutter is reminiscent of stagnant chi. Dirty washing, piles of clothes, unwashed dishes and numerous other perpetrators of crime against peaceful sleep and relaxation might be making your bedroom stale and messy.

Unfortunately, a cluttered bedroom can lead to an uncomfortable mind that finds it difficult to gain shuteye. Clean up the clutter, however, and your mind will instantly feel happier when you lie down to sleep.


Color psychologists suggest that certain colors have a calming effect on the mind, while others stimulate the brain and cause excitement, anger or anxiety. Green is a great color for the bedroom, as it’s associated with nature and tranquility. Blue can be a good color to use, as it’s said to help guard against nightmares. Lilac is also a suitable color, as it has links with spirituality and can help reduce stress.


If you want your mind to be free from anxiety, it might help to embrace the feng shui principle regarding shape. Round shapes, and those that are organic, smooth and curved, can be calming and settling to the spirit. However, square items, and those with sharp looking pointed corners can be unnerving and cause restless nights.


There are many great ways to introduce beautiful scents into your bedroom to help you relax. Lavender essential oil can help you sleep, while rose or ylang ylang can inspire passion. Incense cones, potpourri and aromatherapy air fresheners can be used to make your room smell lovely. Studies show that it’s worth the effort to use scents because they can influence your dreams while you’re asleep, as well as your mood while you’re awake.


Comfort is very important in a bedroom that’s to be a sleep-haven. Make sure that your bedding feels great to the touch, and that you have plenty of soft cushions and pillows in which to snuggle. Use soft rugs on the floor, and curtains that look as though they feel great to touch, even though you probably won’t actually be touching them often.


Add luxury and opulence to your bedroom by using a signature color like gold, and fabrics such as velvet, silk, satin and lace. Although you shouldn’t add clutter to your room, do introduce a few key items that you find beautiful to look at. The items you choose should be significant in size so that you can easily see them, and tie in with the theme or color you have used to decorate your room.


Are there sounds you find relaxing that you could use in your bedroom? Perhaps your mind could easily unravel stress it has held on to if you listened to bamboo wind chimes hanging outside your window? Alternatively, a small indoor waterfall would be soothing?


What stirs and uplifts one person is often different from what moves another person. Consider bringing something that lightens your heart into your bedroom. It might be a flowering plant, crystals, a fish tank full of exotic fish, or a beautiful glass lamp. There again, maybe you would feel happy with an icon of your choosing that’s pertinent to your faith, or an affirmation painted on one wall.


Refrain from using your bedroom as a place to work, watch TV, and play video games, or any other activity that isn’t conducive to relaxation.

Furnishing and designing the theme of your room so that it inspires, uplifts and calms you can help you create a peaceful sleep-haven in which you sleep well and relax.